




(You can move a selected layer by grabbing and moving it around with the pointer. To restrict movement to a particular axis, hold down the Shift key as you drag.)

当您在拖动或调整图层大小时,Sketch默认会将您拖动或调整的图层与邻近的图层对齐。如果在实际操作中不是这样的,肯定是您又把“智能指引”功能给关闭了。开启这个功能的方法是:在工具栏上选择视图(view)> 画布(Canvas)>显示智能指引(Show Smart Guides)。

(As you move (or resize) your layer, Sketch should automatically align your layers to adjacent layers. If this doesn’t happen, you might have accidentally hidden smart guides. To enable them, choose View › Canvas › Show Smart Guides in the menu.)


(If you hold down the Option key while dragging, you will clone the layer, leaving the original layer in its place. If you then immediately press Command-D (duplicate), Sketch will insert another duplicated layer at exactly the same offset as your first duplicate.)


(You can also drag-and-drop layers to the Pages panel to quickly move objects between different pages.)

移动一个复杂图层(Moving an Obscured Layer)

我还没有复现obscured layer,所以不知道怎么翻译下面这一段了;已经在facebook小组求助了,等待答复中。这一小节先略过。

Another complication of overlapping layers is moving an obscured layer. Normally, when you click-and-drag a shape it will immediately be selected—if it wasn’t selected yet—and moved to its new location.

Very often this is a convenience, but it can be a hindrance as well if you’ve got a layer selected that is completely obscured by another layer. Clicking on the layer would instead select the layer on top and move that one.

To get around this, you can hold down the keys, Option-Command and then clicking-and-dragging will not change your selection. You can even click-and-drag somewhere completely different on the Canvas and Sketch will still preserve your selection:

对齐图层(Aligning Layers)


(In addition to quickly moving selected layers, you can align and distribute them evenly by using the following buttons in the top-right corner of the Inspector:)

对齐工具最左边的两个是水平对齐和垂直对齐。您也可以在菜单栏里找到对这两个对齐方式,或者使用快捷键:“Conrol键 Command键 V键”代表垂直对齐,“Conrol键 Command键 H键”代表水平对齐。如果您想移动图层时,保证每个图层的间距相对,可以打开网格工具(注:移动时会自动对齐网格,每个网格间的距离相等)。您可以可以在账户设置里将网格的间距调整为像素显示模式,这会让对齐时的尺寸更加精确。

(The first two are for distributing layers horizontally and vertically . You can also choose Arrange › Distribute Objects or use these shortcuts; Control-Command-V or Control-Command-H. If you want to distribute the layers with fixed spacing then you can use the Make Grid tool. These options also take the pixel fitting preference into account to help you to be as precise as possible.)


(The next six buttons (align left , horizontally , right , top , vertically , and bottom ) are for aligning layers among themselves or to the Artboard.)

当多个图层选中,Touch Bar就会很智能地显示对齐工具供您选择了。

When multiple layers are selected, the MacBook Pro’s Touch Bar will display the above distribute and align controls right on the keyboard for easy access.

如果是要把一个图层依据画布进行对齐(注:在Touch Bar上操作),按下“Option键”并选择您想要的对齐按钮就可以了,多个图层的对齐操作也是如此。在Touch Bar上我们还会看到群组按钮,当多个图层被选中时,点击“群组”按钮就会生成一个群组对象了。

(To align a layer to the Artboard, hold down the Option key and choose the align button you desire. You can also do this with multiple layers simultaneously. Another approach is to first group the objects by using the Group item in the toolbar.)


(To align layers to a specific object, first lock that layer by using the lock button in the Layer List or by using Shift-Command-L. If no specific object is selected, Sketch will align the layers to the outermost layer of all those selected.)







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